نمایش 1–8 از 15 نتیجه

Tennis Medicine: A Complete Guide to Evaluation, Treatment, and Rehabilitation 1st ed. 2018

75,000 تومان872,000 تومان
This book will serve as a key resource for all clinicians working in orthopedics, sports medicine, and rehabilitation for the

Sports Injuries of the Shoulder 1st Edition, Kindle Edition 2020

50,000 تومان320,000 تومان
This book provides a practical guide detailing the aetiology, diagnosis, relevant pathology, management principles, and outcomes of a variety of

Spinal Anatomy: Modern Concepts 1st ed. 2020 Edition

47,000 تومان365,000 تومان
This richly illustrated and comprehensive book covers a broad range of normal and pathologic conditions of the vertebral column, from

Rheumatology Teaching: The Art and Science of Medical Education 1st ed. 2019 Edition

48,000 تومان370,000 تومان
This book provides a comprehensive, state-of-the art overview of medical teaching methodologies with a particular focus on rheumatology. It discusses

Rheumatology in Questions 1st ed. 2018

44,000 تومان375,000 تومان
This book covers all fields in rheumatology and aims to help readers comprehend, familiarize and evaluate their knowledge of the

Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty 2nd Edition 2018

50,000 تومان380,000 تومان
Now in its fully revised and updated second edition, this comprehensive, how-to text covers all aspects of revision total knee

Revision Surgery of the Foot and Ankle: Surgical Strategies and Techniques 1st ed. 2020 Edition

55,000 تومان500,000 تومان
This unique text utilizes a bulleted, case-based approach to present a variety of surgical strategies and techniques for tackling the

Rare Rheumatic Diseases of Immunologic Dysregulation Kindle Edition 2018

50,000 تومان280,000 تومان
This book is a practical, user-friendly guide for diagnosing and treating patients with rare rheumatic diseases of immunologic dysregulation. Covering